Add a speaker

Add a speaker

We are building a list of willing and able speakers who can come and talk at NOG events. Do you know someone who would be great as an event speaker? You can nominate them for the list, or add yourself. We’re especially looking to increase diversity in the speaker pool — so people outside of the white male engineer stereotype are particularly welcome. 

Recommend someone /​ add yourself

Basic information

Maximum 300 characters

A link to a website, LinkedIn profile, or wherever people can find out more information about this speaker.

Add an image to your speaker profile.

File name:

File size:

Select or add your areas of expertise.

Other areas of expertise not listed above

We collect this information to help achieve diversity balance in our speaker list and to make sure we get it right if we need to speak to you or mediate with a NOG on your behalf.

I am willing to travel to destinations in the following areas:

As professional people doing a service, you are entitled to be paid for it! Let us know whether you will require expenses, a speaker fee, or other renumeration.

If these expectations are flexible depending on the circumstances — e.g. location of event, please give us details.