[grnog] linux sysadmin openings

Andreas Polyrakis apolyr at gmail.com
Mon Oct 21 16:57:14 CEST 2019


Εταιρία στην οποία εργάζεται φίλος μου αναζητά 2 linux sysadmins με τα 
παρακάτω skills για μόνιμη μισθωτή απασχόληση

  * Experience with Linux servers in virtualized environments
  * Familiarity with the fundamentals of Linux scripting languages
  * Experience installing, configuring, and maintaining services such as
    Bind, Apache, MySQL, nginx, etc.
  * Strong grasp on configuration management tools, such as Puppet and Chef
  * Familiarity with load balancing, firewalls,
  * Proficient with network tools such as iptables, Linux IPVS, HAProxy,
  * Ability to build and monitor services on production servers
  * Knowledge of servers and switches
  * Proficient in RedHat,Perl, Ruby, and PHP

Αν κάποιος ενδιαφέρεται ας επικοινωνήσει μαζί μου για να τους φέρω σε επαφή.


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