[AONOG] Save the date-Virtual Peering Series-Africa: The Effects of COVID-19 on the African Internet space

Darwin Costa dc at darwincosta.com
Thu Aug 13 11:14:09 CEST 2020

Bom dia Prezados,

Em nome do programa do comité do AFPIF (The African Peering & Interconnection Forum) venho por este meio partilhar a seguinte informação:

The African IXP Association, in partnership with the Internet Society, is proud to announce The Virtual Peering Series - Africa <https://www.afpif.org/virtual-peering-series-africa/>: A collection of online events that will highlight and analyze key issues and recent developments in Africa's Internet ecosystem. 

The Virtual Peering Series has been developed by the AfPIF Program Committee and event organizers with the goal of promoting awareness, fostering collaboration, and developing the region's peering and interconnection ecosystem in order to achieve the vision of sourcing 80% of Africa's traffic locally. 
Join us online on September 1, 2020 at 1300 UTC for the 1st event <https://www.afpif.org/virtual-peering-series-africa/effects-of-covid-19-on-the-african-internet/>, which will bring together the peering community to discuss- The Effects of the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the African Internet space.
Register today!  <https://isoc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Z7t72dFQSlirlqP4H6tiUQ>

Nota que as series vão percorrer até final do ano sendo que a última sessão virtual será no dia 1 de Dezembro de 2020.

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